Majid is an industrial engineer and management consultant with over 25 years of experience. He is an expert on finding deep, structural flaws in systems and services and proposing changes that won’t compromise value or create new problems. He has helped clients in aerospace, defence, government, healthcare, banking, insurance, manufacturing, construction, computing, retail, and art. Often asked to help with problems that have frustrated efforts, he has been called ‘the stuntman’ for his leaps of imagination, new angles and new insights. His abiding interest has been alleviating the chronic pain of top management – strengthening the strategic core of the enterprise and maintaining market relevance, responsiveness, and resilience, while also cutting costs and carbon.  

His creativity and imagination have helped him design, everything, from a new kind of statistical graph, to measurement stacks and protocols; from thinking tools for civil servants, to organisation structures and business processes. The past few years Majid has been developing a language and format to describe contracts and services. That led to a special grant from the Dutch government to develop a novel approach for balancing and distributing risks in large and complex contracts, to remove unnecessary costs and reduce stress. During that project, Majid developed several new ideas (including by-products) on how we can strengthen the strategic cores of service enterprises and make time adjustments to demand and supply, to align with new realities.

Presently, Majid is presently busy investigating the business potential in those ideas, which would've been mere fabulations if not for the recent developments in AI. But he is also accepting short-term assignments. For example, you can hire him for a structural analysis (design audit) of a service under stress and he will help you with very specific recommendations to reduce the chances of major failure. Or, perhaps he can help you from a sales and procurement perspective i.e. how to make promises of supply and demand mutually more attractive. Or, if you have other ideas on how he could be of help, please email him, or message him on LinkedIn. He will not work on an assignment if he doesn't think he can create new insights, or cannot tell you something you about your problem you do not already know.